How to repair XLS file

.XLS Repair Tool download

The manual for repairing a corrupt XLS file of any version and size:

  1. Download, install and run Excel Repair Toolbox from here:
  2. Select a corrupt XLS file on the first page of Excel Repair Toolbox
  3. Click Analyze
  4. Click the Start recovery button
  5. Select Export to Excel item

MS Office .xls file repair software

Excel Repair Toolbox designed to restore data from corrupted .XLS files. Since the size of .XLS repair tool download is pretty small, it can be got on your PC in several seconds. As soon as it is completed, .XLS file repair tool download is ready to be installed by clicking the setup file of Excel Repair Toolbox. After this you may click the setup file of free XLS repair online program and follow its instructions.

Get Excel Repair Toolbox and make sure the damage of Excel documents is not a problem anymore, it is faster, easier and often more efficient than backing up input workbooks. This way of .XLS repair software download is exactly what you need.


  1. Fix *.xls, *.xlt, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xltm, *.xltx and *.xlam files;
  2. Successfully tested with Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10
  3. Restore damaged MS Excel worksheets of any size;
  4. Easy to use fix software developed as the recovery wizard;


  1. Microsoft Excel should be installed on your computer (though this is not essential)
  2. Windows 98 and above

Corrupt MS Excel file repair tool guarantees the safety and confidentiality of analysis. Microsoft Excel repair tools and install this software on your computer if you are preoccupied with the safety of XLS files.

  • Excel Repair Toolbox is not open source software or a freeware tool. Excel Repair Toolbox not include donate inside. This is a software with a free DEMO easy version. The tool is not distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) or GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). Our software development project team has invested a lot of time and efforts into making it a remarkably efficient product and we have no intention to distribute it as a free tool. You need download Microsoft Excel repair software and use it.
  • Excel recovery tool cannot repair a password protected .xls, .xlsx files.